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45 - Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Why should people get to know me? Because they want to ☺️ I hate filling these things out. Blah...


49 - Carrickfergus, Antrim, Northern Ireland

Good guy, thoughtful, gent to a degree, nice and friendly and do anything for most people. Into nice eyes and smile


48 - Bexley, Kent, England

Own & run a couple tech companies which keeps me too busy at times, but rewards me with a good lifestyle &...


41 - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

I enjoy travel, eating out, nice bars, cinema, working out. Busy with my work, which I love, but will find time...


49 - Basingstoke, Hampshire, England

Pug enthusiast, pro-level Netflix binger, and always planning my next beach escape. Equally at home lifting at...


44 - Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

Looking for friendships and or a potential relationship, someone to spend time with outside of work. Interests...

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If you're tired of grafting and getting pied, up your game with Hits Radio Dating and Coupling Up. It's all about the banter. Keep your options open, see who's your type, go for a chat and crack on!

A smiling woman with curly hair enjoys the sunny day, her joyful expression brightening the scene around her
A young couple sharing a sweet kiss on a lively street, surrounded by the energy of city life

Quality dates not quantity #FeelAConnection

Start slowly with a chat online for a few days and get to know each other. If you feel a connection you'll be the next one saying hello to date night!

Going back to basics #TimeToCoupleUp

We keep dating simple. There's no science involved, or massive questionnaires to fill out - just a great place to meet people. Join our vast network of singles, take things at your own pace and see what happens...

A man and woman clink their wine glasses together, enjoying a happy moment together

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Success Stories

Excellent. Crystal clear and very quick. Thank you!
Graham, 01 August 2024
Thank you for an extremely prompt and generous reply!
Trish, 24 June 2024
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Jacqui, 30 March 2024